The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: I married 8/1/54 to Frank S. Fountain. I received a BA degree in Psychology from West Va Univ., Morgantown, WV, in June 1950. Then I went to Penn State Univ., St. College, PA, and received an MS in Clinical Psych in 1951-prepared to be an elementary school psychologist. My Penn State advisor received a request from Dr. Ralph Bender, the DuPont Co., in Wilmington, DE, for a psychology major with training and experience as a secretary. I had taken shorthand and typing in high school and worked part time money for college, including a job as a secretary in a bank in Parkersburg, WV, after high school graduation there. I decided to go for an interview with D. Bender in Wilmington and accepted the job as his secretary, in the Employee Relation Dept., while he was manager of the Personnel Research Section of that dept. I later transferred to the DuPont Development Dept. and became involved in the Market Research Dept. DuPont had started. We interviewed women or men in their homes about DuPont products to help DuPont prepare their advertisements or use of synthetic fibers in clothing and other products. I worked with DuPont for over five years when I left to begin a family. Have 2 grown daughters, both married and with families living in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Silver Spring, MA. |